

My Mom's line growing up was, "Just wait until you're a parent..."

Well now I am. And this is the first Mother's Day I think I can sincerely wish my own Mom a Happy Mother's Day. I am now two months in to daily life with two kids under two. I am in 'the thick of it' per say.

Some days are great, I'm like, "I totally got this!" Other days I cry as they both are crying and as soon as Kyle walks in the door I escape to our bedroom to do my favorite thing: Watch Dr. Phil so I can feel better about my life and fold laundry in complete silence.

So Mom, it is now that I can truly understand all of the work and sacrifice you put into raising J and I. It is now that I can truly grasp the extreme emotions - wanting to wring our necks while loving us so much at the same time. It is now that I can truly share this day with one of the best ones out there. 

Thank you for being my best friend, my daily (more like 3x a day) phone call, and my favorite incompetent iPhone user. I love you. 

A very Happy Mother's Day out there to those old and new!


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